By Andrew Reed - LA Times Research



California money boss Bill Lockyer is caught up in corruption and sex scandals. It has been a rough year for California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer.

After struggling through state budget and pension crises, the 70-year-old Democrat is now embroiled in a convoluted soap-opera scandal involving his young wife and what the San Francisco Chronicle reports as a sex tape she made with a guy she met in rehab.

Revelations of the sex tape came to light after Lockyer's 40-year old wife, Nadia, an Alameda County Supervisor, called police on Feb. 3 after she was allegedly assaulted in a motel by an "ex-boyfriend."

In the weeks following the event, it became clear that the motel encounter was a soured tryst between Nadia Lockyer and her ex-boyfriend, who the San Jose Mercury News identifies as Stephen Chikhani, a 35-year-old with a history of meth arrests who met Mrs. Lockyer while they were both in rehab last year.

Reports later came to light that Mrs. Lockyer and Chikhani were the subject of a sex tape that Chikhani had apparently made in case Nadia Lockyer tried to break off the relationship. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Bill Lockyer saw the tape, as well as explicit photos and texts sent between his wife and Chikhani, about six weeks before the motel room incident.

In an effort to get a court order to separate the couple, Bill Lockyer told authorities that his wife was being stalked by a former lover, but the courts determined that the relationship was consensual.

The Lockyer saga has captivated the California political world, and been a major embarrassment for Bill Lockyer, whose storied career in California politics also includes a stint as the state's attorney general. Nadia Lockyer is now back in rehab, and Chikhani is headed back as well. But he told reporters that they have only scratched the surface of the Lockyer scandal.

"There's a way bigger story than the sex tapes," Chikhani said.

Lockyer gave Elon Musk and Tesla Motors tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer payola via tax deals that ONLY Tesla was allowed to get. Lockyer refused to give the tax credits to any other California car companies including BRammo, Aptera, ZAP, XP and a ton of California companies that pleaded with Lockyer to get the same deals as Musk.

It turns out that Jerry Brown, Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and other California bosses had their political campaigns financed by Musk and owned stock, through covert Goldma Sachs and JP Morgan accounts, in Tesla Motors.

Musk and Tesla Motors have been sending out tens of millions of dollars of PR Hype to try to claim that Musk "got no taxpayer cash" and "never engaged in bribes". Tesla shill blogger: James Ayre, has bee tasked by Musk with writing apologist and smoke-screen articles to try to program the public into looking the other way. Huffpo and WashPo, DNC rags, have also been pushing Fake News articles that try to cover up Musk's crimes.

The facts prove that Musk exists because of crony bribes, illegal campaign kick-backs and illicit tax conduit deals arranged by crooked politicians.